Es sollte viel mehr Literatur geben über dieses Thema, als "nur":
Beywl, Wolfgang, Pirani, Kathrin, Wyss, Monika, Mittag, Michael, & Hattie, John. "Lernen sichtbar machen. Das Praxisbuch. Erfolgreich unterrichten mit dem Luuise-Verfahren." (2023).
Finn, Amber N., et al. "A meta-analytical review of teacher credibility and its associations with teacher behaviors and student outcomes." Communication education 58.4 (2009): 516-537.
Hattie, John, Wolfgang Beywl, and Klaus Zierer. Lernen sichtbar machen. Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren, 2013.
Hattie, John. Visible learning: The sequel: A synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
Miller, Amy Chasteen, and Brooklyn Mills. "'If They Don't Care, I Don't Care': Millennial and Generation Z Students and the Impact of Faculty Caring." Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 19.4 (2019): 78-89.